

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Four, four, four

Day four complete!  So much to report on, but way too tired to type anything substantial.  We had a fabulous time in the village with the community, and it was interesting to see the difference in the children AND the adults with their comfort level.  Many hugs, kisses, and so many children hanging on us, and undoing my hair and redoing it.  It hurt...a lot.  They really pull!  i was hoping they would fashion up some corn rows or the beginning of dreads, but no such thing happened.  One little girl, nancy, brought me a blonde hair piece.  ha ha.  That thing made around our site about 100 times and then onto my head.  not sure I was flattered or worried about what was in it. 

Then there was a little boy, who was so cuddly with me.  he sat on my lap for about 1 hour and just lay there.  Must have been 3 or so years old.  I kept asking him, "malade ou fatigue???""  He nodded with fatigue, so we cuddled, i fed him pain (bread) and gave him leau (water) which they sell in a bag.  It was the warmest feeling, but reminded me so much of Tray, and how MUCH i miss him.  And then.......he peed on me.  At first I couldn't tell if it was sweat or urine, but the smell most surely gave it away.  Oh well.....cést la vie, oui??

At the end of our day, we rallied in a group, where the head of the village told us how thrilled they were that we were there.  But there was a bad part too - after we depart, he will have to answer the children EVERY day when they ask when we are returning.  So it is bittersweet for sure - ON BOTH sides.

We will return tomorrow to do more work, and then on Thursday, we will do a bit of travel - to the presidential palace, to visit a tent city and then onto the childrens hospital to give out hope dolls and to hold and love the babies.

OH - and we got the green light from one of the heads of the hospital that we can bring the small child with the tumor to the hospital tomorrow for diagnosis and a plan for surgery either here or back in Miami or Havannah in Cuba, depending on which works best.  The mother was BEYOND happy.  She then handed over her baby for me to hold her, which I was just so touched by.

I finally was in touch with my son, Tray, tonight via Facebook chat, and felt like i hit the jackpot.  i miss him terribly, and it was so nice to see his face online and to tell him I love him - and to read that he misses me "ALOT." So in true Robin/Mommy fashion, I sobbed for about 10 minutes.  And of course my group made fun of me.  ;-)

I am off for a game of scrabble and/or UNO (which i will kick ARSE in) with the group, then to bed early.  Please forgive the caps/non caps.  This keyboard is sticking in a huge way.

Bon soir!!!!!


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