

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's Official!! September 14!

It's official! We will depart for Port au Prince on September 14 and return on the 22nd, where/when we will literally "raise the roof" on the Church we began building in February 2009. What will be different this year, is that we will also travel with three additional volunteers, who will be teaching part of a community how to sew (money has been raised in order to purchase foot powered sewing machines along with a variety of fabric). This will be a wonderful way to teach a village a very useful skill that can begin sustaining their families in the future (either by making clothing for themselves or by selling it to others, allowing them to earn money for food and shelter).

To reach my own fundraising goal, I need to raise another $600 --- so, so, so close. This money (and what has come in thus far) will be used for tools to continue the building project, for work gloves, and for food that will be provided to the community we are working with in Croix de Mission, Port au Prince.

I write today to ask you to consider donating what you can to this very worthy cause. You should also know that EVERY PENNY that is donated will go to these projects and the Haitian community we work with - and every bit makes a WORLD of difference to these people.

If you do decide to make a donation, your check can be made payable to the Lebanon Methodist Church and sent to me, Robin Caissie, 986B Route 12A, Plainfield, NH 03781.

Thank you to everyone who has already contributed to this mission. I will be sure to update everyone as we get closer to the date, and of course, while I am there via my blog ( Your generosity is AND will be greatly appreciated by the Haitian community.

Stay tuned as the fundraising cranks up and we count down!!!



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